Maxwell’s new siblings and Billy Mays come to Scribblenauts

I made another Scribblenauts collection lately. It’s a collection of Maxwell’s new siblings:

Click on the link here to check out each one you’d like to see. Oh, I also made Billy Mays as my new avatar:

At least Billy Mays will live on in a game. ๐Ÿ˜›

Some Portal 2 Stuff + Flower Shoggoth Rises To The Top

I decided to play some Portal 2 since it’s been awhile, and I made my way to Chapter 6 which is The Fall after dealing with GLaDOS. She is now a potato battery:

I think I’ll do more of that whenever I feel like it. ๐Ÿ™‚ On another note I did get an achievement for saving this turret from redemption:

Oh, one more thing before I post this. I checked out the Scribblenauts Unlimited workshop after playing Portal 2, and somehow my Flower Shoggoth got all the way to the top of the first page:

I was super fascinated when I see that. ๐Ÿ˜€

It’s time to get serious!

After I played a bit of Serious Sam Fusion 2017 the other night, I created a Serious Sam collection in Scribblenauts. It has the main character plus some monsters and a few weapons. Click here to look at the collection. So far I have obtained three out of four elements and discovered a secret portal that teleports me to the secret door which leads me to Moon Mountains in the first encounter:

I think I’ll tear into this game some more whenever I feel like getting serious.