Saturday Evening Open Thread
Meh, I’m still not in a good mood to blog about something…
Open Thread.
Yet Another Monday Evening Open Thread
*yawn* I’m not quite in a good mood to brain about something to post…
Open Thread.
Another Monday Evening Open Thread
And now for my next trick, I summon the Thread of the Opening in Attack Mode!
Monday Evening Open Thread
My brain is still too tired to come up with something to thread about… 😴
Open Thread.
Thursday Evening Open Thread
Meh, I’m still not in a mood to post something. I’m just going to roast my bottom in the campfire while riding on my 8-bit beast of burden:
Ahhhh… nothing like a butt flambé to start up an open thread. 😛
Error: Still too tired to post something…
Will try this again tomorrow. 😴
Another Evening Open Thread
Meh, I’m still too sleepy to post about stuff for tonight… Z-z-z-z-z… 😴
Friday Evening Open Thread
Nothing much to write. I’ve been pretty much having fun playing old-school games on my Steam Deck such as Kingdom: New Lands, Columns III & Sonic Spinball.
Open Thread.
Evening Open Thread
I’m not in a good mood to post something right now… 🥱
Open thread and goodnight. 😴
Evening Open Thread: Stewie Edition
I’ve got nothing good to talk about for tonight, so here’s a nicely adorable photo of Stewie:
Open thread.