Obtaining Awesome Ribbons in Pokémon Diamond
I came back to playing Pokémon Diamond again tonight, but this time I decided to earn some ribbons for some of my Pokémon such as the Effort Ribbon (given to a Pokémon if it has the maximum of 510 total effort values) and the Footprint Ribbon (given to a Pokémon with maximum friendship):
Hooray! Now I have dozens of Pokémon who have earned an Effort Ribbon and/or Footprint Ribbon, and now I’m off to continue doing whatever in this game. 😛
I found something rare in Pokémon Diamond
I’ve been catching more new (old) species in Pokémon Diamond tonight. Here’s a rare one that I caught the other day:
Plus I’ve also been making some poffins in the Poffin House located in Hearthome City but I don’t have any screenshots for that, unfortunately. But I do have a screenshot of my Feebas’ current condition right now.
Once I get its beautiful condition high enough then it’ll evolve into Milotic. Oh, and I just found out that there’s another way to evolve it and that is when you trade it while its holding a Prism Scale but I can’t do that because I have nobody to do trading. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to do this the hard way.
You got Game Boy Advance in my Nintendo DS!
I decided to come back to Pokémon Diamond on my Nintendo DS emulator since it’s been awhile, but this I’m using the GBA ROM files so that I can catch new (old) species of Pokémon from the Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald versions:
So far I managed to get a few of them like this one in the picture below:
I think I’ll plan on continue my Pokémon journey tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Race to Iron Man’s Mountain
I decided to continue my quest in Pokemon Diamond this evening by climbing my way to Stark Mountain, where I meet the strongest trainer named Buck. We went on a journey to find the Magma Stone, where a legendary Heatran awaits me after completing the quest. Afterwards I flew over to the Survival Area and went inside an old man’s house, where Buck was waiting for me. Then I came back to Tony Stark’s Mountain where I squared off against Heatran, and finally managed to catch that gigantic volcanic critter. 😛
I was teaching her new moves that are super-effective against any Grass-types, Ice-types, etc. I decided to name her Krakatoa because it’s named after a legendary volcano located in Indonesia.
Having fun with Jokamel and his Diamonds
I got back into playing some Pokemon Diamond on my DeSmuME this evening, and I have managed to evolve two of the Tyrogue that I caught last night into Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, which I nicknamed them Bruce and Jackie after the two famous movie actors that were karate experts back then:
I think I’ll plan on doing some Pokemon Pearl while my family and I are on a road trip because I need to build up some progress since it’s been a long time and I’ve only got past the beginning in that game.
Monday Monday Monday Night Open Thread
There’s nothing much for me to blog about tonight because I was too tired to do so. I have finally managed to reach 300 species of Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond on my Nintendo DS emulator, and now I just need to hope for about 265 species owned in this game so I that I can move on to Pokémon Pearl in hopes of trying to beat that.
So we’ll see how my life goes after I survive two days of my work week which is Tuesday and Wednesday. Open Thread.
I Heart Shiny Pokémans
Sorry for not posting yesterday because I’ve been getting too tired to blog about something. Anyways, I’ve been playing some more Pokémon Diamond and guess what I found while leveling up my Pokémans?
It was a Pelipper, which is a 3rd generation evolution Pokémon of Wingull, but it’s a shiny one because it has three green digits on each of its wings instead of blue. Its feet with three webbed digits are also green instead of blue.
I felt so excited after catching that shiny creature. 🙂
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new Pokémon League Champion!
Last night I finally managed to beat Pokémon Diamond after reaching my way to the Hall of Fame after defeating the Sinnoh Elite Four members and their Champion. 🙂
My six Pokémon that made their way to the Hall of Fame are Sub-Zero the Weavile, Tomala the Crobat, Morty the Floatzel, Jenny the Luxray, Beavis the Rapidash, and last but certainly not least is my starter Pokémon Donatello the Torterra.
I was so excited after being victorious in this game, and I enjoyed the credits while listening to the credits theme song. Oh, and I what I like about both this and Pokémon Pearl is it shows the word ‘Fin’ (which means ‘End’ in French) after finishing the credits which I find that quite interesting.
And now for no strange reason here’s a Pokémon that I caught on the 20th day of April in the year of 2020:
I got new Pokémans! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
I awoke from my sleep earlier this morning to play some more Pokemon Diamond after getting done eating my breakfast, and guess what I’ve been doing lately?
I finally encountered a wild Munchlax from a honey tree, and I successfully managed to catch it with a single Poké Ball attempt. It was a male Munchlax, and I decided to name him Gaben which is named after my male Snorlax from Pokémon Leaf Green Version for the Game Boy Advance:
The reason why I nicknamed him Gaben is because that is based on the nickname given to Gabe Newell. 😛
The Great Underground Treasure Hunt
Yesterday I decided to get out my Explorer Kit to go underground treasure hunting in Pokemon Diamond, and so far I managed to find a huge mound of colorful spheres, some fossils, and other kinds of treasure while disarming some traps along the way. I also spent some spheres to a Hiker who’s giving out Secret Room Goods and got myself a giant Snorlax doll and a Research Shelf. Sweet! 😀
And what I like about the Underground is the treasured plates of some Pokemon types that boosts the power of some attack moves. Here’s a few of them that I’ve found:
Either way, it was a lot of fun trying to dig up the underground treasures. 🙂