Time for another cat photo
I forgot to put this pic up the other day. It’s Stewie and Morty sitting on the table, looking out on the window:
I’ve got nothing to talk about tonight, but here’s some more cute cat photos
Morty monsters my coat!
I pulled out my camera this evening and took some pics of Morty lying on my coat:
Have some moar pussy!
I snapped some more pics of Stewie and Morty camping out on their favorite spots.
Yep, they’re still adorable. 😛
Have some kitty zen
I took this pic of Stewie and Morty last week, they’re cuddling on the bed:
Stewie and Morty being cute
I’ve been spending some time outside and followed Stewie and Morty around having a good afternoon:
Time for some Lil’ Stewie
Mah Cat
Slackin’ kittehs!
Have some Stew and Mort
I forgot to put these Stewie and Morty pix up the other day.