The Ceramic Bowl Incident with a cute Morty pic
My family and I had some chili and corn muffins for dinner this evening after our home inspection is a success, and while I was having my second round of dinner I heard one of my sister Tomala’s ceramic bowls fall off the top of our microwave in the kitchen, landed on the kitchen table causing the bowl to shatter into bits and pieces. So we got up the broom and dustpan to clean up all the tiny ceramic shards by using the broom to sweep them into the dustpan and then straight into the trash. It appears that all the ceramic bowls were stacked in awkward positions according to my dad.
Anyways, here is a nice cat pic from last month of this handsome little guy being a couch weasel:

More Fun in the Kitchen
San_San taught me how to make apple pie and lemonade in the kitchen this rainy evening. I was using the peeler to peel the skins off the apples and pears so that I can use the food processor to easily slice them up, and I placed all the sliced apples and pears in a clear large bowl and then add a few ingredients such as nutmeg, cinnamon and a dash of salt.
Next thing I have to do is use a wooden spatula to mix up the ingredients until they’re fully covered in nutmeg and cinnamon, and then we put all the apples and pears in the pie covered the top of it with crispy crust especially around the edges. After the pie was baking in the oven for about 40 minutes we moved on to making lemonade, and while San is squeezing lemons to add lemon juice in a medium-sized glass measuring cup I added some sugar in the water from a small glass measuring cup was warmed up in the microwave for 2 minutes and slowly stirred it with a metal whisk until the sugar water is completely clear.
Then once that’s done we used another medium-sized glass measuring cup to fill up about a half a cup of water because there’s no measurements at the very bottom so we’re gonna have to eyeball it to make sure it was the right amount so that I can pour it all into the lemon juice and then place it in the refrigerator for a sweet, cold lemonade taste.
It’s always fun to be a chef around the house. 🙂
Friday Evening Open Thread: Operation Dinner Assistant
I was assisting San_San in the kitchen on getting ready for dinner. I mashed up the guacamole, stirred up the salsa that San made, and then used the food processor for the first time to shred some cheese with it.
We had some tacos along with some tortilla chips for dinner but unfortunately I do not have a picture of it because I was too busy spending time eating with my family, which is a good family activity to do. 🙂
Open Thread!