Have Some Cute Cat-astrophe Photography

Last night I took a couple cute cat photos of Kikyo, Billy and Mandy down in their nursery home:

Of course I’ll never forget about Uncle Morty and his little nephew Chuckie:

Well, that’s a wrap on my latest cat blogging post. Now I’m off to little bit of gaming before calling it a night.

Current Gaming Mood: Everything

I came back to playing Everything since it’s been a long time, and I managed to reach over a thousand objects in the game along with a bunch of achievements that I unlocked. Sweet! I also took screenshots of really funny things that I did:

Giant Cat in the City
🎵 Rats, we’re rats, we’re the rats. 🎵
I’m a giant wisher on a nice, sunny day.
I made all of the galaxies and stars dance in outer space.

I still have yet to find any objects that are currently undiscovered, but I will look for them the next time I play this game. 🙂

Time For Some Lil’ Kitteh Fotoz

I went downstairs to the laundry room with my camera and took cute cat pictures of Billy and Mandy:

Here’s Billy right by the gate…
…and here’s Mandy hiding on top of the server.

I know one thing about Billy is that he likes to untie my shoes while gnawing on my shoelaces whenever I’m doing laundry, cutely hilarious. 😛

The Cute Catventures Of Billy And Mandy

Last night my family and I were taking cute kitten photos of Billy and Mandy having fun on the new cat tree. Here’s two of them that I took for one of each kitten:

Here’s Billy being Billy.
And here’s Mandy relaxing while being playful.

Yep, they sure make a great kitty cat duo. 😛