Another decade gone and the next one will begin soon

My family and I were enjoying some delicious pizza for dinner as our celebration for New Year’s Eve. After we’re all finished with dinner I got three new games added to my library from the Steam Winter Sale for a total of almost 32 dollars, then I spent the rest of the Steam money on good Team Fortress 2 fashion equipment and other things since I’ve been playing that game lately.

And now that I got all the important things out of the way, I will now show you Slackers my latest videos that I uploaded on YouTube last night. This first is my cat Stewie chasing around a toy string and playing with it:

Then this next one is a short nature-related video tiny red bug on a journey in a puffball of a seeding dandelion, and then the bug falls off the dandelion at the very end:

Anyways, now let’s hope that 2020 will be a good year and U.S. President #46 will be better than the last one.

I found an Annoying Door Stopper Kitteh

My father showed me a funny YouTube video of a cat twanging on a door stopper the other day, and I thought I’d share this video to all you Slackers:

Now I’m imagining if my bedroom door had a door stopper and my cat Stewie suddenly got his paw under my closed door and started playing with a door stopper while I was trying to sleep the middle of the night. That would drive me insane but the door stopper noises sound very funny. 😛