Going to the DOSBox universe
My sister Tomala helped me download and install DOSBox on my computer last night, and I downloaded some free DOS games from myabandonware.com:

Anyways, I gave them a test drive and they all worked perfectly. I might find other DOS games that interest me someday. 🙂
Second Mortal Kombat Friendship of the Day
Here is my second favorite Mortal Kombat fatality of the day:
Kung Lao’s “Magic Trick” friendship:
Kung Lao is a very good magician. XD
Second Mortal Kombat Fatality of the Day
Here is my second favorite Mortal Kombat fatality of the day:
Kung Lao’s “Hat Split” fatality:
I just the love the way Kung Lao uses his hat to split Shang Tsung in half, totally awesome. 😀