Have A Deep Freeze Kitteh
I managed to snap two pics of Morty camping on top of the deep freeze:
Yep, he’s found a new camping spot alright. 😛
Have Some Old-Skool Stewie Fotoz!
I’m not in a good mood to come up with something to post, so here are some old pics of Stewie:
Chuckie the Garage Kitteh
I had my camera deployed on a nice, sunny day and snapped a cute pic of Chuckie being a garage cat:
Awww, purr purr… 🐱
I’ve Got Nothing, So Have A Yawning Chuckie
Have Some Kitteh Fotoz
I had my camera prepped and snapped a cute cat pic of the handsome orange birthday boy hanging out in the garage:
And of course I’ll never forget about his Uncle Morty:
Happy Cat-tastic Birthday Chuckie!
Time for some cute Chuckie pics
I have nothing, so have another Chuckie pic
Chuckie the Lawnmower Cat
I was outside on a nice, sunny day in the backyard with my camera so that I can take a cute pic of Chuckie eating some grass:
Yep, he’s chewing that green stuff like a cow. 😛
Moar Fotoz of Chuckie
Last month I snapped two cute photos of the little handsome orange furball doing his outdoor cat activities: