In tonight’s post: First GMod Block Art of the Year

Been playing around on some GMod since it’s been awhile. I decided to make my first 8 bit block art this evening. It’s a mushroom from the old-school Nintendo game Super Mario Bros.:

Yep, I’m a good GMod block artist. 🙂

Gmod Tuesday Night Open Thread

I’ve been playing some Gmod for a while, and I got some stuff from their workshop. Here are some of them:

Rick and Morty
Rick and Morty

Hi I'm Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! :P
Hi I’m Mr. Meeseeks! Look at me! 😛

The characters from Invader Zim.
The characters from Invader Zim.

The characters from Mortal Kombat X.
The characters from Mortal Kombat X.

Oh yeah! But it would’ve been even better if their workshop has character ragdolls from Jimmy Neutron, Ren & Stimpy, etc. 😛