Have A Belated Birthday Cat Foto
Stewie’s birthday was a couple days ago, and I thought I’d share a cute cat pic of him:
Happy belated birthday, my dearly beloved cat buddy. 😛
Have a Pic of My True Cat Love
I got my camera deployed and snapped a cute photo of Stewie doing his morning nap on the rocking chair:
Yeah, it’s been awhile since I posted cat pics of my dearly beloved critter. 😛
Have a Cute Bathroom Kitteh
I snap’d this cute kitty cat pic of Chuckie the other day. He was hanging out in the downstairs bathroom:
Cat Day Afternoon Open Thread
I’m not quite in a good mood to brain about something to post about, but here’s a screenshot of a cute secret that I found while I was playing in one of the Stanley Parable maps in GMod the other day:
Open Thread.
Have an Orange Sphinx Cat
I took this cute cat pic of Chuckie last year. He was doing the sphinx pose on top of the stairs:
In other news, he’s been doing quite well when it comes to staying home outdoors other than having the ability to explore the entire neighborhood because he’s Chuckie. 😛
I’ve Got Nothing, So Have A Silently Roaring Morty
It’s Chuckie Time Once Again
I had my camera out and took a cute cat photo of Chuckie tonight.
Heheh, he’s still a cute purr-purr. 🐱
Have A Deep Freeze Kitteh
I’mma do another cat blogging post for tonight, but this time I snap’d a nice shot of Morty on top of the deep freeze:
He’s now safe from his nephew Chuckie because he couldn’t climb up there to play with him. 😛
I have nothing, so here’s yet another Chuckie foto
Have Another Kitteh Foto of The Chuckster
I’m too tired to brain about something tonight, so here’s another cat pic of Chuckie: