Time For Some Lil’ Kitteh Fotoz
I went downstairs to the laundry room with my camera and took cute cat pictures of Billy and Mandy:

I know one thing about Billy is that he likes to untie my shoes while gnawing on my shoelaces whenever I’m doing laundry, cutely hilarious. 😛
Time For A Kitten Duo Photo
I had my camera deployed and I took a nice cat pic of Billy and Mandy on the cat tree in the laundry room which is now a nursery for them:

I even took pictures of their faces one by one but they’re all too blurry. Oh well, at least one is better than none.
The Cute Catventures Of Billy And Mandy
Last night my family and I were taking cute kitten photos of Billy and Mandy having fun on the new cat tree. Here’s two of them that I took for one of each kitten:

Yep, they sure make a great kitty cat duo. 😛
Have A Foto Of The Kitteh Cat Trio
My father took this cute picture of Kikyo, Billy and Mandy the other day. They were all camping out in a cardboard box down in the laundry room:
Heheh, they sure are cute and cuddly alright. 😛
Today Is Stewie’s Birthday!
I thought I’d show you folks a handsome cat photo of Stewie in honor of his birthday today:
Happy birthday to you, my sweet prince. 😛
I Have Nothing To Say, So Here’s A Chuckie Photo
Round Two Of This Week’s Kitteh Kat Foto Roundup
I had my camera deployed and snap’d these cute pics of Kikyo and her little kittens, Scooter and Squeaky. Here’s what they were up to:
Welcome to our family, you little guys and your beautiful queen. 😛
EDIT (11/5/24): There was a small update on those two kittens. Scooter has been renamed to Mandy, and Squeaky is renamed to Billy. They’re named after the two cartoon characters from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
Sunday Night Kitteh Kat Foto Roundup
I forgot about putting up these cat pics of Kikyo, Stewie and Chuckie the other day. Here’s what they were doing:
In other news, Kikyo is still doing good and so are her two little kittens, Squeaky and Scooter. Unfortunately I don’t have pics of those two, yet. But I will eventually snap a pic for next time. Until then, stay tuned!
Tuesday Evening Cat Blogging Open Thread
I’m just gonna leave a thread that opens tonight because I was too busy spending a couple hours keeping an eye on my cats while my parents are trying to save the lives of Kikyo and her two newborn kittens, and I hope everything goes well for them without any problems because birth is a gigantic motherfucking pain in the butt.
Open Thread!
Here’s Another Orange Kitteh Foto
Yesterday I took an adorably nice cat pic of Chuckie. He was sitting on a cat tree right next to the dining room table:
That’s a really cute Sphinx pose he was doing, too. 😛