Error: Could not think of something to thread due to being too tired
Will try this again in another time…
Very Short Saturday Night Open Thread
Z-z-z-z-z…. 😴
1st Open Thread of Der Month
Error: Unable to come up with something to post at this time due to being too brain dead. Will try this again in another time…
First Open Thread of the Month
Error: Too tired to blog about something for tonight. Will try it again in another time…
Yet Another Friday Night Open Thread
There was an error trying to post something because of being too tired to do so. Will try again tomorrow…
Error: Unable to think of something to write about
Will try again tomorrow. Open Thread!
Friday Late Night Open Thread
An error occurred due to being too tired to write something blog-worthy for tonight… will try it again in another time.
Error: Too tired to write something for tonight
Open Thread and Mouthwords!
Sunday Evening Open Thread
I am too brain dead to think of something to write about for tonight, but I will try it again either tomorrow or the next day after.
Open Thread!
Wednesday Late Night Open Thread
I got nothing good to blog about for tonight, but feel free to leave some mouthwords to this thread that has opened. 🙂