Deadpool, Giant Bugs and a Giant Red Gingerbread Man

I was playing some more Scribblenauts last night, and I took a screenshot of Deadpool riding a red Shoggoth:


I also created a giant bug party last month. Here you can see all the bugs dancing:


Last but not least, I took a screenshot of a giant red gingerbread man wearing a red top hat:

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That is all. 😉

Alxala and Stewie Forever

My cat, Stewie, likes to meow at me everyday when I’m doing something, because he thinks I’m his love target. So I walked up to him and I pet him to make him happy, and then I lead him to his food bowl.

I also took a buttload of pictures of Stewie too. Here’s a picture of him grooming himself:


A picture of him yawning:


And a picture of him sacked out on the couch:


That cat is in love with me. Seriously.

Screwing around in Scribblenauts!

Last night, I was screwing around in Scribblenauts and I created some people on my own, like I created the two Nicki Minaj princesses that are sometimes on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’:


They’re sitting on their beach chairs with Ellen. This is what they look like in real life:

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I also added an adjective to one of Maxwell’s brothers, Jack.


One more thing before I go, I also added adjectives to different objects. Here’s what I did:

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I got the idea from the funny bot names on our Team Fortress 2 servers.


Well, back to screwin’ off. XD

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala