Have A Precious Morty Photo
I forgot to put up this cute pic of Morty the other night. He was laying on top of the deep freeze down in the laundry room:
Morty the Scottish Blanket Kitteh
I snapped this cute cat pic of Morty two years ago. He was sitting on top of a red kilted blanket on the couch:
I’ve Got Nothing, So Have A Silently Roaring Morty
Have A Deep Freeze Kitteh
I’mma do another cat blogging post for tonight, but this time I snap’d a nice shot of Morty on top of the deep freeze:
He’s now safe from his nephew Chuckie because he couldn’t climb up there to play with him. 😛
Have A Deep Freeze Kitteh
I managed to snap two pics of Morty camping on top of the deep freeze:
Yep, he’s found a new camping spot alright. 😛
Have Some Kitteh Fotoz
I had my camera prepped and snapped a cute cat pic of the handsome orange birthday boy hanging out in the garage:
And of course I’ll never forget about his Uncle Morty:
Happy Cat-tastic Birthday Chuckie!
Ending the Night with some Chuckie and Morty
I took these pictures of Chuckie and Morty the other day.
These cat dudes are so adorably cute. 😛
Adorably Cute Cat Photo Roundup
I’ve been taking more cute cat pics of Stewie, Chuckie & Morty. Here’s what they were up to:
It would be nice if I have a picture of all three cats in it, then that would be super awesome. 😛
Morty the Scottish Blanket Kitteh
I’ve got nuthin’ good to say for tonight, so here’s an adorable cat photo of Morty:
Another Round of Kitteh Kat Fotoz
Here are two pictures of Chuckie and Morty that I took the other day:
Yep, they’re now starting to get along just fine. 🙂