I’ve Got Nothing To Say, But Here Are Some More Chuckie Fotoz
It’s Chuckie Time Again!
I’ve got nothing good to blog about on Christmas Eve, so here’s an adorable cat photo of the Chuckie variety:
Chuckie the Couch Potato Kitteh
I forgot about putting up this cat photo of Chuckie the other day. He was just chillaxin’ on the couch during the afternoon:
Have A Precious Morty Photo
I forgot to put up this cute pic of Morty the other night. He was laying on top of the deep freeze down in the laundry room:
Battle of the Cute Kittehs
Two months ago I recorded a little piece of cat footage of Chuckie and another cat named Neko fighting amongst themselves, and then I made that as an animated GIF:
There will be more cat brawling footage of those two shortly. Stay tuned! 🙂
Have Another Chuckie Cat Foto
I took this cute pic of Chuckie the other day. He was right by our neighbor’s rig on the side of the curb:
Have A Belated Birthday Cat Foto
Stewie’s birthday was a couple days ago, and I thought I’d share a cute cat pic of him:
Happy belated birthday, my dearly beloved cat buddy. 😛
Have a Pic of My True Cat Love
I got my camera deployed and snapped a cute photo of Stewie doing his morning nap on the rocking chair:
Yeah, it’s been awhile since I posted cat pics of my dearly beloved critter. 😛
Have a Cute Bathroom Kitteh
I snap’d this cute kitty cat pic of Chuckie the other day. He was hanging out in the downstairs bathroom:
Cat Day Afternoon Open Thread
I’m not quite in a good mood to brain about something to post about, but here’s a screenshot of a cute secret that I found while I was playing in one of the Stanley Parable maps in GMod the other day:
Open Thread.