Have some pix of Ze Handsome Cat Trio

Breaking News: Stewie and Morty haven’t decimated Chuckie yet, despite his many attempts at annoying the two cats. He now has the ability to join me in the bathroom whenever I take a shower or brush my teeth. Not only is Chuckie not afraid of water just like his Uncle Morty, he can also use the sink to pretend it’s his little charging pad. 😛

We Got Ourselves A New Family Member!

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to Chuckie, a bright orange kitten just like Archie but with no floppy ears. He’s cute and super energetic, he likes to play toys and crazily run around all over the place. Here’s another nice picture that I took of our new little guy:

He was jumping over barriers and wreaking havoc. 😛 Now we just need to focus on Stewie and Morty, because they haven’t overcome their fear of Chuckie yet. But at least Stewie won’t be going after Morty very often.