I have nothing to talk about but here’s some moar Morty
Some moar cat pix
I decided to pull out my camera and take more cat pictures of Stewie:
I even took a couple more cat pictures of him sitting on the stairs with Morty, who just turned 2 today:
More cat pics of Stewie and Morty
I think I’m due for another cat-related blog post. Here are some more cat pics of Stewie and Morty:
Some moar Morty and Stewie
I took some more cat pictures of Morty and Stewie the other day:
Yep, they’re still cute and adorable. 🙂
Morty is broken!
I took a picture of Morty on the floor, being a broken cat:
Alxala and Stewie Forever
My cat, Stewie, likes to meow at me everyday when I’m doing something, because he thinks I’m his love target. So I walked up to him and I pet him to make him happy, and then I lead him to his food bowl.
I also took a buttload of pictures of Stewie too. Here’s a picture of him grooming himself:
A picture of him yawning:
And a picture of him sacked out on the couch:
That cat is in love with me. Seriously.