Something Something Late Night Open Thread

I got a phone call from work yesterday that they wanted me to come in to do some freight, facing and stocking. So far I’ve done a pretty good job working on freight with the food stockroom freight crew, and for doing so I got even more money added to my paycheck of this week. Now I can spend some money to buy myself technical upgrades for my computer if I wanted to, and even some stuff from the Valve store once my PayPal account is all set up.

But in the meantime, I will now go off in a world of Dreamland. Nugeyes!

Thursday Evening Open Thread

I have been working on moving freight at a local store yesterday, and I’ve been learning how to use the baler from the food stockroom to crush cardboard boxes after stocking up foods and other items on the shelves.

So far I’ve been doing good on freight which was much more fun than cleaning around the local store. I can’t wait until Saturday arrives so that I can enjoy my lovely weekend. 🙂

Open thread.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala