Monday Late Night Video Roundup

I was watching this video from the Late Show that includes the ‘Amen!’ edition of Big Furry Hat:

Here’s my most favorite part Stephen said that I thought it was epicly hilarious: “After a prayer, instead of ‘amen’, we shall now proclaim ‘a-women!'” πŸ˜›

Oh, I found another one also from the Late show that include a musical performance by Bon Jovi (or as I call him ‘Jon Bovine’ πŸ˜› ). Enjoy this fun song:

Now that was an incredibly awesome performance! And I like their great guitar work too. πŸ˜€ I was thinking about pulling out my guitar and do some practice one of these days.

Some Moar Big Furry Hat

I found this video from the Late Show where Stephen does the belated Thanksgiving edition of Big Furry Hat:

I extremely lol’d at the one quote he said: “This Thanksgiving, any grown-up who says we should investigate Uranium One has to sit at the kids table, and the first kid who remembers pilgrims are immigrants gets to sit at the adult table.” πŸ˜›

So anyway, I hope the rest of you Slackers had a happy belated Thanksgiving too. πŸ™‚

The Big Furry Hat has returned (again)

I was watching this YouTube clip from The Late Show this evening where Stephen puts on a big furry hat and makes more of his proclamations while wearing it:

Oh man, I think the funniest proclamation he made has got to be “From now on, any guy who man-spreads and man-splains may be woman-slaughtered.” πŸ˜›

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala