Some December Fun with some Tee Eff Too

Been playing around some random community servers in TF2 with random people for the last couple days and I have received shiny Gunboats for the Soldier that someone sent me as a random gift. Awesome! 😀 I also earned an achievement this evening for killing 79 enemies that have Balloonicorn pets with them while I was blowing up stuff and receiving random item drops I already turned them into metal and so far I’m up to 3 refined metal right now.

I’ll plan on doing more of this once my weekend begins since I got to get ready to go to my nightmare shift in a few minutes and then I got one more tomorrow after that, so stick around and I shall return.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala